Annapurna Expedition

6 Best Treks in Annapurna Region

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Annapurna region is the best choice for many trekkers. This region is mostly traveled by trekkers because it serves a beautiful view of Himalayas, waterfalls, blooms of Rhododendron forests, and so on. You can find lots of options for easy best treks in Annapurna. During the whole year, you are welcomed by Annapurna ranges. Usually, trekkers want to travel during the autumn season because of good weather and temperature. You can observe the dry climate, clear skies, and spectacular views of the mountain, rhododendron forests, and so on. Yet, trekkers miss the full beauty of Annapurna.

Basically, there are many treks to do in the Annapurna region but some of them are very interesting to trek. Here are 6 best treks in Annapurna region where you can enjoy fully. They are:

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Trip Highlights:

  • Explore two Annapurna Base Camp and Machhapuchhree on the same route.
  • Jhinu Danda- Natural Hot Spring
  • Diverse Flora and Faunas
  • Typical Gurung village
  • Walking through rhododendron forests
  • A Lifestyle of Local people

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is one of the famous and most visited trekking routes in Nepal. It is 14 days trek which can be done by a non-experienced person too. Walking through the rhododendron forests feels like you are at heaven. As you walk fast it took you near to the mountain. You can see waterfalls and streams which tend to dry in spring. Annapurna Base Camp is the complete package full of cultural and natural beauty. The lush terraces and the trails filled with fallen flowers will provide you amazing feelings. The sunny day and awesome colorful flower forest will make your trip awesome. Experience of  Natural hot spring at Jhinu Danda can make you fresh while you are on trekking.

 Likely, Scenic hike across typical Gurung villages makes you know about the lifestyle of local people. You can explore two Annapurna Base Camp (4130 meters) and Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3700 meters) on the same trip. In addition, you can explore the awesome flora and faunas in this trek. Terraced farmland, interesting community, local people, and living standard of people can be known easily and it attracts us to know about their happiness.

Annapurna Circuit Trek


  • Holiest place of Hindu-Muktinath Temple
  • World’s deepest George-Kali Gandaki George
  • One of the longest pass in the world- Thorong La Pass (5,416m)
  • Amazing view of Mt. Manaslu, Pisang peak, Annapurnas, Himalchuli peak, and fishtail mountain.
  • Rhododendron Forests
  • One of the longest trekking route in the planet

Annapurna Circuit Trek is blissful with nature and one of the loved, popular trekking routes in the Annapurna region. This trek consists of 230 Km trekking which circles the Annapurna mountain. This trek is a more adventurous trek that leads you to the stunning views of Mt. Manaslu, Pisang peak, Annapurna Massifs, Huinchuli peak, and fishtail mountain. Along with this, you can visit the Hindus and Buddhist holiest Muktinath temple which is situated at Mustang.

Manang and Mustang are just like a desert and due to clear weather, you can get a clear view of the mountains. While trekking through Manang and Mustang, you will experience the local lifestyle of local people. You can explore different remote villages during your trek.

On this trek, you will hike on the world’s biggest, George Kali Gandaki river. .During your trek, you need to cross two different rivers, Marshyangdi which leads you to the Kali Gandaki George and Kali Gandaki Walking through a Thorong La pass (5,416m.), one of the longest pass in the world is so adventurous and risky too.

Similarly, the tree of Rhododendron decorates the trails and provides an awesome view of forests. Most of the Photographer prefer this place because of its natural beauty. You can also participate in the local cultural program during the night. This route was open in 1980 and known as the longest trekking route on the planet.

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek


  • Typical Gurung Village
  • Gateway to the Annapurna Base Camp
  • Exploring the ethnic culture of Annapurna region
  • Rhododendron forests
  • Awesome view of sunrise and sunset from the top of the world
  • An Easy trek which can be done by any age group

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is the gateway to Annapurna Base camp Trek. This trek is suitable for all age groups (Child to old age group). This trek can be done within 4-5 days in length with family, friends, and colleagues.  Ghorepani Poon Hill lies in 3,220 meters. Macchapucchre peak and Madi Khola is the awesome things to enjoy while hiking to Ghorepani Poon Hill.

Accommodation in this region is quite good than before and menus food is also not disappointing in this region. Monsoon (July and August) is the best time to visit this region. During this season, the weather is awesome, skies are clear and you can see the stunning mountains. Walking through the Rhododendron forest is an awesome feeling.

Mostly, Ghorepani Poon Hill trek is famous for sunset and sunrise. A lot of tourists come to visit Ghorepani to observe the mountains with sunrise and sunset view. You can observe the lifestyle of the local people in this region. Most of the people in this region are Gurung. The Gurung is the most appreciated and powerful people who fought against the British and save their country. The Gurungs are also known as Gurkhas who are now serving in a different part of the world.

Tilicho Lake Trek


  • Highest altitude lake in the world-Tilicho Lake (4919 meters)
  • One of the longest pass in the world-Thorong La Pass (5416)
  • Cultural and religious site-Muktinath Temple
  • Settlement of Gurung and Thakali people
  • Views of Annapurna ranges, Tilicho Himal, Nilgiri, and other Himalayan ranges
  • Cross Buddhist village near Tilicho Lake

Tilicho Lake is the highest altitude lake in the world height consists of 4,919 meters. Observing the amazing view of breath-taking Himalayas, lush green hills, wide meadows, and traditional villages of the Buddhist people is the awesome feeling and experience you had ever done. This trek for those trekkers who seek peace on the lap of Himalayas. Though walking is tough for reaching Tilicho Lake, most of the trekkers want to visit this place.

Throughout the way, you can visit the cultural and religious site-Muktinath Temple. This temple is the holy site of Hindu. Many people dream to visit this place once. Crossing the settlement of Gurung and Thakali People, you will hike to Tilicho Lake. Tilicho lake is mostly visited by nature-lovers. This trek is attached to the route of Annapurna Circuit Trek which is the most popular and one of the longest trek in the world (230 Km). Following the trails of Marsayangdi River and Kali Gandaki George (Biggest George in the world)  leading to the villages of Tal, Dharapani, Chame, Pisang, Manang, Khangsar then you will reach to Tilicho Lake.

Afterward, this trek adds to Yak Kharka. Passing one of the highest passes in Nepal-Thorong La Pass (5416 meters) is a tough thing in this trek. Onwards, you can observe the awesome view of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. A variety of scenery and culture can be seen during this trek. Natural Flora and Faunas can be seen in this trek. Undoubtedly, Tilicho lake is one of the best treks in the Annapurna region.

Mardi Himal Trek


  • Different species of Flora and Faunas
  • Ethnic culture and lifestyle of local people
  • Glorious mountain views of Annapurna ranges, Lamjung Himal, Fishtail, Dhaulagiri.
  • Sunrise and Sunset view
  • Rhododendron Forests

Mardi Himal is a moderate level trek that can be done in 11 days. This short trek yet adventurous and best trek in Annapurna region. This trek has been much more popular nowadays. Mardi Himal is located in the east of Modi Khola. Mardi Himal trek leads you to the stunning mountain views, culture, Landscapes, mixed local culture, and, beautiful valleys. Along with awesome views, you can walk through a Rhododendron forest. Hence, Mardi Himal is the best trek in the Annapurna region.

In 1960, history was made after the successful summit of Mardi Himal for the first time. This trek offers you a magnificent view of snow-capped mountains. Walking past the traditional Gurung villages and witnessing Buddhist culture is really awesome feeling. The warm hospitality of villagers at villages like Kande, Pothana, Siding, Deurali, etc makes your trip truly rememberable. Above 4,500 meters, you can observe the rugged trails and awesome landscapes. Some of the amazing places in this trek are the Low Camp, Forest Camp, High Camp, and the Mardi Himal Base Camp. From these place you can have magnificient views.

Accommodation in this trek is Limited so that we highly recommend to prefer you to take an experienced and license holder guide with you. The best time to visit Mardi Himal is monsoon which is September – November – March and April. During winter December – February, there is heavy rainfall so that the difficulty level during this time is high. Due to heavy snow fall, roads are blocked and it might be risky for trekkers. Though it is tough to trek during winter but cold weather makes your trip more interesting and unforgettable. Mardi Himal is also best trek in Annapurna Region.

Nar Phu Valley Trek


  • Cross Kang La pass, 5315m-Manang
  • Awesome drive from Kathmandu-Chamche and Pokhara-Kathmandu
  • Glorious views of Manaslu, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, and the several Himalayas
  • Explore various cultural and religious sites
  • Flora and Faunas
  • Visiting UNESCO world heritage sites like Pasupatinath (Hindu Shrine), Boudhnath (Buddhist Stupa), Kathmandu Durbar Square, and Swayambunath Stupa in Kathmandu valley.

Nar and Phu valley are located in the remote village of Annapurna Circuit Trek. It is newly opened so that fewer trekkers visit this place. Nar Phu valley is a restricted area so that you need special permits, TIMS, and ACAP for this trek. Situated at the north of Annapurna Himalaya range, this place is less explored than another place. During your trek, you can explore beautiful villages Nar and Phu.

Nar Phu valley is surrounded by snowy mountains which add more beauty to this valley. It is near the northern border of Tibet. In this trek, you can visit the Buddhist village and can learn about the lifestyle of local people. Nar Phu valley is a camping trek but you can find lodges and Tea Houses in this trek. There are lots of places to explore but Annapurna Circuit is best among all. Along the way, mani prayer stones, prayer flags, monasteries, and other icons of Buddhist faith are kept in different places during this trek. Spring and Autumn is the best season for a comfortable trek in Narphu Valley.

On the way to Manang, you need cross Kang-la pass (5100m) observing the Manang villages which is just like a desert. From Kang-la pass (5100m), you can observe the magnificent view of Annapurna, Lamjung Himal, Gangapurna, Tilicho, and much more snow-capped mountain. In the high altitude of Narphu Trek, you can find Yarshagumba which can be sold at a very high price. Yarshagumba commonly knows medicine for an increase in energy. It provides energy to your body. Nar Phu valley trek is rich in cultural and natural things. So, Nar Phu Valley is one of the best treks in Annapurna region.

We hope you will get ideas about Treks in Annapurna. If you have any queries about trekking in Nepal, please feel free to contact us!

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