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Dashain Festivals in Nepal: A Glimpse into Gorkha’s Festive Spirit
Dashain, the biggest and most famous festival of Nepal. It’s a happy time. family gatherings and religious faith Although it is celebrated all over the country. But it is also unique in remote towns like Gurkha, reflecting local culture and traditions. Titled “Dashain in Nepal: A Glimpse of the Gurkha’s Festive Spirit”, this blog explores the latest Dashain in Gurkha to explore about the festival. people in the area and will give importance too.
Pre-Dashain Preparations
The build-up to Dashain in Chautara, Gorkha is marked by a flurry of preparations. Homes and parth around the village are cleaned and decorated with colorful lights and traditional motifs. New clothes are purchased specially for kids
Dashain is a ten day festival. Each day has special significance. On the first day, when the pot is placed A clay pot filled with holy water will be placed in the urn. This pot is worshiped every day throughout the festival.
On the sixth day, the Lord of Flowers is Jamara. barley and wheatgrass Jamar is believed to bring good fortune. and offered it to Goddess Durga.
It was the seventh day on which the goddess was believed to have descended to earth. Animals are sacrificed today, although many people choose symbolic sacrifices.
Eighth Day The eighth day is the main day. On this day, people offer offerings to Goddess Durga and seek her blessings. A family reunion and party will be held on this day.
Navami Day Navami is another important day where the goddess is worshiped in various forms.
Dashami Dashami is the last day of the festival. On this day, people visit relatives and friends to exchange gifts and enjoy traditional food.
The end of Dashain is followed by the Tihar festival, which celebrates the worship of animals, especially cows and crows. Tihar is also a time for family reunions and celebrations.
The Significance of Dashain in Gorkha
Dashain is a deeply significant festival for the people of Gorkha. It is a time to connect with their roots, strengthen family bonds, and seek the blessings of the gods. The festival also provides a much-needed break from the daily grind and an opportunity to celebrate life.
The recent Dashain celebrations in Gorkha were a testament to the enduring spirit of the people of the region. Despite the challenges faced by remote communities, the festival brought joy, hope, and a sense of community.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Dashain festival or others major festivals celebrated in Nepal feel free to contact us for more details. To know about the major festivals, our significance, and when we celebrate. You may contact Mountain Treks Nepal to celebrate the festivals with us in our Local Nepalese villages with suitable homestay treks. You can check Festivals celebrated in Nepal for more festivals and information’s.
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